For weeks, tensions between Mia Yim and Candice LeRae have escalated not only in the ring, but all around the WWE Performance Center. It’s only appropriate they’ll look to settle things in a Street Fight at The Great American Bash.
LeRae took aim at Yim as her first target since her unleashing her new, unapologetic demeanor. Envious of the opportunities The HBIC received at what LeRae said was her expense, The Poison Pixie ridiculed Yim for “dropping the ball.”
Yim added fuel to the fire when she eliminated LeRae from the Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match for an opportunity to challenge NXT Women’s Champion Io Shirai.
Their mutual contempt reached a boiling point in a backstage brawl, and it wasn’t the first time they’ve tussled behind the curtain.
Now, with Street Fight rules where anything goes, what will these two bitter rivals have in store for each other?